Because everyone is entitled to my opinion.  Welcome to A Dream of Sky!

name: will baker
dob: 3.15.1974
age: 31
height: 6'1"
weight: 240 lbs.
race: caucasian
birth: joplin, mo
residence: san antonio, tx
high school: john marshall
college: utsa
occupation: i.t. manager
religion: anglican christian
sign: pisces

rising hegemon
the daily howler
idiot milk
12% beer
michael berube
bagnews notes
rox populi
no capital

other sites:
democracy for america
center for american progress
the revealer

Viva Pie!
2003-06-12 : 8:50 a.m.

Imagine my surprise to discover that this template is what web development professionals refer to as "all fucked up" when viewed in Opera, Mozilla, Netscape...pretty much any browser other than IE. If you're using one of those browsers, please accept my apologies. Being a slacker, I hadn't checked that before. Fixing that...somehow...will be this weekend's project, I think.

From the Backhanded Compliment Desk: Someone posted a comment to my profile. It says "cute face!". Cute face. Isn't that what they always say to the fat girl?

In other news. Monkeypox is still the coolest disease media-event to hit the scene since Ebola. Bluering is still enamoured with SARS, but she's just living in the past.

I woke up this morning to NPR's coverage of William " The Toothless Hillbilly Jackass" Pryor's confirmation hearings. Most fun Bill Pryor notion: "Granting a constitutional right to choose one's partner and whether or how to connect sexually must logically extend to activities like prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia (if the child should credibly claim to be 'willing')." Logically.

Had my usual Wednesday dinner with J1 & J2 last night. The waiter kept staring at J1's rack. So I was forced to stare luridly at his ass and crotch every time he came and went, to even things out a little. Okay, sexually harassing straight boys is my hobby, but still. It only seemed fair.

Other than the pig-waiter, we had a wonderful time, as usual. J2 gave me an awsome card. We discussed movies, the dynamics of friendship, the intrinsic pleasures of the office supply catalog, and how I can't be held responsible for what I say in my sleep. Earl Able's has the best cherry pie in the universe. Viva pie!

PS. I love dizboy's daily diet entries. He eats like a chicken wing and a carrot stick and feels all full. What's that like? In tribute, here's mine from yesterday:
Breakfast - a bowl of frosted flakes and a pot of coffee.
Lunch - leftovers: black beans and yellow rice. Yummy!
Dinner: Baked penne slathered in cheese, a salad, and CHERRY PIE!

Ah food, the man who never leaves me....

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