Because everyone is entitled to my opinion.  Welcome to A Dream of Sky!

name: will baker
dob: 3.15.1974
age: 31
height: 6'1"
weight: 240 lbs.
race: caucasian
birth: joplin, mo
residence: san antonio, tx
high school: john marshall
college: utsa
occupation: i.t. manager
religion: anglican christian
sign: pisces

rising hegemon
the daily howler
idiot milk
12% beer
michael berube
bagnews notes
rox populi
no capital

other sites:
democracy for america
center for american progress
the revealer

a little poetry, a little resolve
2003-06-16 : 9:13 a.m.

god or the gods, the unknown,
that which imagined us, which stays
our hand,

our murderous hand,
and gives us
in the shadow of death,
our daily life,
and the dream still
of goodwill, of peace on earth.
flow and change, night and
the pulse of day."

-Denise Levertov

Ten resolutions (backed by varying degrees of actual resolve):

1. To do something unexpected. To say something unexpected. To pray something unexpected. To stay free.

2. To write in my journal (every day).

3. To resist the barbed hooks of need and dependence between people: If I�m going to be a friend, I�m going to be a friend without imposing conditions or obligations. I�ve had more than enough of the tangle of resentful reciprocity that seems to pass for friendship in most people�s minds.

4. To opt out of my relationships with people whose friendships are conditional. Friends who keep a running tab of obligations and grudges are not friends, when all is said and done. They are bill-collectors.

5. To write a letter on actual paper and send it in an actual envelope with an actual stamp affixed. Man does not live by pixels alone.

6. To pray as though it makes all the difference.

7. To quit smoking, damn it. In two weeks�.probably. I think. To set aside money saved on cigarettes for a new computer.

8. To write a poem. Even if it�s a bad one. Being a writer does not require that one be brilliant, only willing to write.

9. To worry less about perfect love and idealism, and to worry more about being nice to the people around me.

10. To buy a new pair of running shoes. And use them.

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