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name: will baker
dob: 3.15.1974
age: 31
height: 6'1"
weight: 240 lbs.
race: caucasian
birth: joplin, mo
residence: san antonio, tx
high school: john marshall
college: utsa
occupation: i.t. manager
religion: anglican christian
sign: pisces

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other people's little opinions
2004-02-02 : 5:35 p.m.

The following is a "guest entry" from The Astrolabe, my yankee studmuffin in the Great White North. He's wrong about most everything, but what a stud.


i've been reading your blog. some interesting stuff, and holy cow I

even agree with some stuff! Id thought id give my 18 cents since its

saturday morning at 730am and 10 below zero.

I agree, New Hampshire and Iowa are not really good barometers to judge

the rest of the country by. South Carolina and Missouri are probably

much better testing grounds of things to come.

I'm indifferent on Kerry at the moment. He seems like he's on career

politician/candidate auto pilot everytime he talks. However he doesn't

stir up the dislike in me like i have for Dean. I don't know how he's

going to do in the South. Wait and see.

The attack on Kerry's wife was way harsh! I could talk about Howie's

dog of a wife, along with Howie's failure to notice his neck size has

grown the past two years, yet stuffs himself into those shirts like

meat into a sausage casing, with his neck fat falling over like a beer

belly over a tight belt. Nice example a DOCTOR is showing in country

full of fat asses.

I agree Joe Lieberman needs to go. I think he's delusional. And he's

old and bumbling and seems totally ineffective. He's the old version of

the Sicilian in the Princess Bride."Inconceivable!"

Thinking his 5th place showing in NH is actually a 3 way tie just made

it seem WORSE. John McCain is more a democrat than Lieberman is.

However I don't quite understand the jewish preoccupation thing. It

doesn't really register with me. I mean, yeah he's jewish. And yeah Al

Sharpton's Black. Its like saying Sharpton registers to people as the

nutty negro, which is what he does even though he's had a lot of smart,

funny things to say during this campaign season. My parents, both North

Carolinians, and my dad, not being a very tactful, but a very honest

man has never said anything about Lieberman being an "establishment


Sectionalism is still alive and well (along with all the isms) North vs

South. East Coast vs West Coast.

I take back my Clark endorsement. He has the spirit, just not the

articulation. The military leadership is impressive.

Well I like the new Howard Dean who seems to have figured out that he

can write his own Xanax prescriptions! I'm surprised they dont play

Mr. Self Destruct by Nine Inch Nails when he comes out before debates!

Even I thought the media was harsh on him, post Iowa GROWL. It seemed

like a football pep rally speech. It didn't bother me.

The media maybe going over the top on angry Howie, but there is more

than several ears of corn to truth to it. I like to think of him as

either the Incredible Hulk or Homer Simpson from the excellent ANGRY

DAD episode of the Simpsons. But I see more arrogance and cockiness

than anger, which are two character traits I HATE.

I tried to like this man. I thought at the time, well he's the front

runner, he must be a good guy. Frankly I think he's an arrogant, white,

affluent, smug ass who shoots off at the mouth, then has to re-clarify

and apologize later. We already have someone in the white house like

that, why replace him with another?(though infinitely smarter than W)

All the good ideas in the world don't mean a thing when you lack the

personality to put them over on people.

I'll play the sectionalist card here, how can a man who's been the

governor of a state thats 98 percent white really be in touch with the

needs of people of color. Al Sharpton was given a hard time for calling

him out on it, but I was behind him 100 percent. At least Edwards and

Kerry have the experience of working with black and hispanic

congressman. At least Clark has the experience of being in the military

which is 30 percent minority. How can a rich, white, north easterner

know a thing about minority issues. The lack of foreign policy

experience bothers me too, but it didn't do anything to Billy Clint.

in actuality, Billys civil rights record isnt stellar, despite blacks

making him honorary soul brother number 1.

I'd even say since LBJ, white Democrats mean well, but haven't really

done a lot for civil rights. At least Republicans are honest and just

dont want help you out at all.

As for poor Joe Trippi, all I can say is I'm glad I'm not going to get

anymore annoying emails in my inbox with your name on it!

I like John Edwards a lot. If he's around on Super Tuesday, I''ll vote

for him.Calm, collected, human, positive.he puts that southern charm to

work. And living/working in the south he's actually worked with and

lived near black folks. Maybe be a bit too young right now. 2008

though, he could have a great chance.

ok that was more of a buck 25!



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