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name: will baker
dob: 3.15.1974
age: 31
height: 6'1"
weight: 240 lbs.
race: caucasian
birth: joplin, mo
residence: san antonio, tx
high school: john marshall
college: utsa
occupation: i.t. manager
religion: anglican christian
sign: pisces

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a call to action
2005-02-17 : 1:50 p.m.

Lord knows I'm not one to get into hysterics over legislation and start calling my Senator. Hell, I hardly even call my friends. However...

Pretty much everything about GW's proposed FY06 federal budget is totally ridiculous. One hardly knows where to begin. But those of you who live or work in central San Antonio know that homelessness is a growing problem here. This is a low-income city to begin with, and a big chunk of the population is more or less always one paycheck away from being homeless.

I am of two minds about homelessness (although both of them add up to "homelessness sucks"). On the one hand, I think it's wrong for mentally ill or disabled people, or children, to be made to live on the streets. Surely, how we treat the weakest among us is a mark of our national character.

On the other hand, I really HATE being constantly panhandled for money and cigarettes and god knows what else. Saying that makes me sound like a prick, but...don't you feel the same? Homelessness is, in my view, a MAJOR quality of life issue for all of us, not just those who live on the streets. one point, many years ago now, I was actually homeless. Not for long, and fully as a consequence of my own choices, but I can tell you that having nowhere to call "home" is possibly the worst imaginable way to live. Even today, I shudder to think of it.

All of which is to say: though I rarely post email circulars, I am posting this call to action today. Call your Senators and Representatives. Tell them to oppose the President's proposed HUD allocation. While your at it, tell them everything else you hate about his budget proposal. Let them know that we're not a bunch of fools out here...that we know as well as they do that America can do a lot better than this.


Urge Members of Congress: REJECT the President's FY06 Budget Proposal during BUDGET CALL-IN DAYS, February 23 and 24, 2005!

In President Bush's fiscal year 2006 budget request, he proposes to eliminate or cut hundreds of programs, including key housing programs such as Housing for Persons With Disabilities (Section 811) and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). In addition to cutting or eliminating key low income programs, the President proposes 5-year spending caps that would freeze funding for low income programs at low FY06 funding levels.

The budget includes language to extend his tax cuts and protect them from Congressional budget enforcement rules.

Congress is on a budget fast track and will attempt to begin work on a budget by March 7. Use the February 23 and 24 Budget Call-In Days to voice opposition to the President's budget.

Within the overall budget, the President proposes $28.5 billion for the entire HUD budget. This is an 11.5% cut from FY05 levels, which was already inadequate. As the HUD budget significantly under-funds and eliminates several HUD programs, advocates may feel pressure to only fight for specific programs. DO NOT allow the Administration to "divide and conquer" the affordable housing and community development community. We must stand together to demand adequate funding for ALL HUD programs.

What can you do on February 23 and 24:

1. Call 1-888-818-6641 and ask to be connected to your Representative's offices

2. Ask to speak to the Legislative Assistant responsible for Budget Issues

3. Call again to speak to your Senators' offices

4. Contact Katie Fisher at 202-662-1530 x.222, [email protected], to let her know the results of your calls.

5. Forward this to everyone who will make calls

The Message:

Please oppose the President's FY06 budget proposal:

1. The overall funding level for HUD is inadequate to fund ALL housing programs.

2. Ask for an increase in the entire HUD budget.

3. The proposed budget will cap spending on housing programs and other key low income programs, causing a deeper cut to vital low income programs over time."

4. The proposed budget protects tax cuts for the wealthy, while gouging low income programs. Please oppose the President's FY06 budget.

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