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name: will baker
dob: 3.15.1974
age: 31
height: 6'1"
weight: 240 lbs.
race: caucasian
birth: joplin, mo
residence: san antonio, tx
high school: john marshall
college: utsa
occupation: i.t. manager
religion: anglican christian
sign: pisces

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Follow me, I've got *more* good news!
2005-03-09 : 4:49 p.m.

Anyone who comments on the paucity of the evangelical imagination has never read the works of Jack Chick. You really want to check these out; there is nothing in all God's good creation like a Jack Chick tract. Forget the spiffed up slicksters who are leading the evangelical right these days; Jack Chick is old-school, expounding the evangelical worldview from back before they cared what everyone thought.

Each of these images is a link to the entire tract. A warning, Jack's server has clearly been hacked by the Roman Catholic Church, because it's slow as hell.

The story of the whole history of God's saving works, featuring a number of attractive, 1950's style persons as Adam, Eve, etc.

Two Gerber Babies as Cain and Abel from the same tract:

Homosexuality is one of the few things that Jack hates without attributing to Roman Catholicism (or maybe I just haven't found that tract yet). I particularly love the turgid, sweaty, nelly 70's queens featured in this gem of a tract:

Jack, of course, hates Communism. He's been hating it from back in the day when there actually was an "it" to hate. But nothing ranks higher on his list of baddies than the Catholic Church (or "The Whore", as he prefers to call it). He likes to connect everything bad in the world to The Whore (as you'll see below in his tract about Islam), and he usually just makes up a bunch of crazy-talk to do so. In this case, though, The Whore has conveniently handed him an actual connection, in the form of Liberation Theology.

Here's my favorite. What? You mean you didn't already know that Islam was invented by the Pope and St. Augustine in order to create an army of fanatics to wipe the Jews and all real Christians from the face of the earth?? Get with the program, asshole!

This tract depicts the rise and fall of a Christian rock group that makes a deal with "Lew Siffer" (har har). The fruits of rock -- even Christian rock!! -- are alcoholism and drug abuse, gay marriage and AIDS, vampirism, and eventual membership in an evangelical fellowship meeting in a remodeled shopping mall off of a suburban loop somewhere. Repent!

Lastly (and Good LORD do I ever love this one!), we have Roy, who's alcoholism and tendency to beat the crap out of his wife were ruining his life. His wife was leaving him, his kid hated him, and he was ashamed. However, a week in jail with daily visits from Pastor Hunt and his free Bibles made a new man out of Roy. As indicated by the flowers he presents to his punching bag, er...wife.

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